For many years I struggled to understand, what was it all for? Why serve a country, a culture, a set of
principles if I truly had no true north?
I have experienced circumstances that turn ordinary people into unbreakable forces. This is how…
The cold.
The fear.
The danger.
The uncertainty.
It all gets put on hold and the mission… the greater good wins the day!
Your concern becomes the others.
You forgot about your own internal struggles.
And it becomes about the collective.
The pain feels different.
The uncertainty.
The danger.
The fear.
The cold.
It isn’t your own anymore—it’s theirs.
And it’s the effectiveness of that mental trigger – the heightened sense of servitude.
The ability to switch from self to “neighbor”
That can make a person truly unstoppable.
This is the fruit of the Good Vine in action.
Shalom!! Thank you for being an example! Expect the battle expect the Victory!