The question is… 

What does leadership success look like? 

(1) Vulnerability 

  • This is not an invitation to gossip about coworkers that you do or don’t agree with.
  • Vulnerability allows true trust to be developed and built on. 
  • This is foundational and ultimately leads to immeasurable growth. 
  • When members of a team trust that they are cared for and held accountable they feel valued which lead to additional positive outcomes. 

(2) Continually working to eliminate communication barriers – prioritize your understanding of the mission. 

  • If you have a question, speak up 
  • Chances are someone else may have a similar one. 
  • The inability to easily communicate can wreak havoc on the teams’ ability to sustainably grow.
  • Make the plan for the long haul, not the shareholder’s pockets. Success will come. 

(3) Create opportunities where people belong— and are driven to provide valuable input to the mission.

(4) Each aspect and asset of a team provides its pros and cons, the goal is homeostasis, which leads to maximum longevity, sustainability, and growth that is rarely measured. 

We must be incessant in reminding ourselves that success truly starts with us! 

Be a servant! 🙏🏻

Together, we can change the world

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